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Re: FW: PoqetPC mailing list

Hi Sven,

That makes sense to me. It will probably be a while before I can get the mailing list back up since I'm very busy purchasing a house right now, which is taking up all my time.


-- Bryan

At 01:53 AM Tuesday 4/24/2001, you wrote:
Hello Bryan,

> From: "MOY, WILLIAM" <BMOY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Forwarded me the following:

> >Is it true that the Poqet list is now defunct?  I hope not.

> It is, but I'm working to resurrect it.  The mailing list system at
> my ISP went down and they're not rebuilding it.  I'm now looking for
> a new ISP.  I'll let you know as soon as I get the list back up.

Well, as someone told me only moments ago: the opposite of "well" is
"well meant" (not quite sure how well this translates) --- I have by
now created a hand-managed replacement list at


not as fancy-full as yours (it is hand-managed, and no digests yet),
but still.  I would suggest that once you get the original list up and
going again we simply merge lists back...

_ __ The Cognitive Systems Group
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