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Re: XP and SRAM, cracking hinge solution, new Poqet owners

Hello Bryan, hello all,

> Part of my master plan is to re-start the mailing list.  It might take a 
> little while because my ISPs don't provide this service, so I'll have to 
> install a mailing list system like majordomo or listserv on my server at 
> home.  The new Poqet PC Web site is almost up and running.  It should be 
> up by the end of next week.

This, of course, is good news!

> > > One idea is to send off a short email to eBay Poqet buyers,
> > > mentioning this site, as I've done.
> >
> > I wonder if it would be possible to automate this (where to get their
> > address from?)?  Also, in these days of increasing spam-levels,
> > whether it can be the way to go...
> Personally, I hate spam or anything that smells like spam (I get
> over 400 spam messages a day becuase of my e-mail address being on
> my Web site),

I have recently installed spamassassin (http://www.spamassassin.org/)
for my privat protection, and so far this seems to work really well
--- my normal mailfolder is virtually spamfree, and the spam-folder is
easily weeded out once a week and so far only contained one or two
ham-mails right at the beginning (spamassassin is able to learn, so
the more mail you show it, the better it gets).

Unfortunately I haven't yet found a way to protect the lists that

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