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Re: XP and SRAM, cracking hinge solution, new Poqet owners

Hello Bryan

> > I have recently installed spamassassin (http://www.spamassassin.org/)
> > for my privat protection, and so far this seems to work really well
> > --- my normal mailfolder is virtually spamfree, and the spam-folder is
> > easily weeded out once a week and so far only contained one or two
> > ham-mails right at the beginning (spamassassin is able to learn, so
> > the more mail you show it, the better it gets).
> > 
> > Unfortunately I haven't yet found a way to protect the lists that
> > way...
> I also run SpamAssassin.  I think that when I set up the mailing list, I 
> can run the mail through SpamAssassin if I need to.  In the beginning, 
> though, I think I'll leave it open and see what happens.  If we start 
> getting some spam, then I can run the list traffic through SpamAssassin if 
> I need to.

Well, here we probably get more spam than usefull content on the
poquet list.  But than again this only means that the one message per
month is more likely spam than content :-)

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