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Re: [Poqetpc] Any Poqet PCs for Sale?

Hello Terry,

> I don't know about the PoqetPad, but the Poqet PC won't see anything
> larger than 2Mb (4Mb for the PoqetPlus), and it won't see a CF card
> at all.

Nope, that's definitely wrong (for the plus), I routinely use a 32MB
CF-card in the PoqetPC Plus.  My guess for a limit would be 512MB...

However, (as previously stated) I was never able to get the Poqetpad
to read any of my CF-cards, either because card and socket services
were missing (and I either didn't try the drivers from the poqet plus,
or the drivers didn't work with the poqetpad), or maybe because there
really is such a limit on size for the poqetpad --- however, in my
understanding this only applies to SRAM cards...

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