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Re: [Poqetpc] Any Poqet PCs for Sale?

I don't know about the PoqetPad, but the Poqet PC won't see anything larger
than 2Mb (4Mb for the PoqetPlus), and it won't see a CF card at all.  Your
Type III drives have to be initialized before they will work.  If the
PoqetPad won't initialize them, then you'll need another laptop to do it.  I
know that some of my laptops don't have a utility to initialize drives, and
others do.  It all depends on what utilities are included in the "Card &
Socket Services" for that computer.  (Look for a filename like "diskinit" or
similar).  On my Zenith, it's called "drivprep.exe" or sum'n like dat.
Anyways, such a program should set up a partition, and hl-format the drive,
so it might be recognized by your PoqetPad (assuming C&SS is loaded in your


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