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DjVu-file for service-manual


I converted the 43MB PDF-file of the service-manual for the Sharp PC
3100, which can be found at
into a 15MB DjVu-file, to be found at 

This means that you can now get a file with the high-resolution images
at the size of the low-resolution version.  On the downside it means
that you also need to download one of the (free) viewers from

This should make it at least slightly easier for people with a modem
to download the service-manual (you'll still need about 3 quarters of
an hour even with a 56k-modem though... and another 5 minutes to
download the viewer...)

Hope this helps

 _  __                     The Cognitive Systems Group
| |/ /___  __ _ ___                                       University of Hamburg
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          |___/ http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~utcke/home.html