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Re: [Sharp-pc3k] Batteries

Hello Martin,

> >There is (was) an external floppy, but that is even harder to find
> >and eats up batteries even quicker than the pc3k, which is _very_
> >quick :-)
> I used rechargeable alkaline batteries for years (but not very
> often) but they died.

Yes, I used to do that too.  Problems: RAM cells don't hold a full
charge once you've run them down, so either way you limit available
runtime even more (maybe down to 1.5-2 hours of continuous typing,
from slightly above 3 hours for good alkalines).

> I just tried NiMH batteries and they work. Anybody know how many
> volts are really needed to run a PC3k?  Three recharged NiMH give
> about 4.2V, three alkalines about 5.4V.

I've read (somewhere) that the exact voltage is different for every
pc3k, so while some will run quite happily on NiMH, others (like mine)
wont.  So I guess you really just have to try.

That said, the FAQ at http://midtoad.homelinux.org/PC3k/pc-3k.faq says
that the low-power signal was meant to come at 3.2V, which should work
nicely with NiMH.  But then, the FAQ also states 10 hours of typing on
alkalines, while I never got beyond 4 or so (contrast that with the
HP200LX, which I charge about once a month even if I used it for hours
on end --- but then the screen and keyboard are really crappy...).
Oh, and I just see that somewhere below it then states that the
settings are 2.93 Volts (low) and 2.50 Volts (replace).  Hmm.

Don't think this helps, does it?

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