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Re: SRAM on Poqet

Hello Anthony,

> Hope this gets out on the list....

Seems so :-)

> I purchased 5 of the 1.5mb SRAM's advertised here, flipped off one,
> and am using the other 4 with no problems - they work great, and
> seem to have fully charged batteries. Anyone else her using them? If
> you have problems formatting them, you need a PC utility to do so -
> I've already provided it to one listmember

Is this a utility running on the Poqet-PC, or a utility running on a
(real) PC?  Or are we merely talking about 2MFORMAT.COM, the utility
needed to format SRAM > 1MB on the Classic?

> I am looking for a good streamlined word processor for Win 3.0;
> Write is a little too thin (no Spellcheck) and MS Word for Windows
> 1.1 is a little too bloated and slow on the poqet. Any ideas?

Hmm.  Wouldn't you be better of _not_ using Windows, running something
like WordPerfect for DOS?  While it is of course cool to run Windows
on the Poqet, I'm hardpressed to believe it is actually practical...

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