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RE: SRAM on Poqet

I was using Write under Win 3.0. It worked for me, and I didn't miss the
spell check. 

As to Paintbrush, are you using a mouse? You need a way to get the "left
button down" to get the line to draw while moving the cursor. There are
currently several small mice available, but I use an Apoint pen mouse (like
a fat pen with a 1/4 inch ball it the tip) that came with Barbie software
that California Digital sells for about $10. The pen mouse is Barbie pink,
but who cares?

BTW, I etched my own edge connector to connect the mouse to the serial port
on the PQ0181. The official serial adaptor is way to big. If anyone wants my
bmp file for the connector, just let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Iannone [mailto:aiannone@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:38 AM
Cc: Poqet PC mailing list
Subject: SRAM on Poqet

Hope this gets out on the list....

I purchased 5 of the 1.5mb SRAM's advertised here, flipped off one, and
am using the other 4 with no problems - they work great, and seem to
have fully charged batteries. Anyone else her using them? If you have
problems formatting them, you need a PC utility to do so - I've already
provided it to one listmember already. Also, is anyone else running MS
Windows on their PoqetPC? I am looking for a good streamlined word
processor for Win 3.0; Write is a little too thin (no Spellcheck) and MS
Word for Windows 1.1 is a little too bloated and slow on the poqet. Any

PS: Can MS Paintbrush be successfully used on the poqet - I can get the
cursor to move but nothing a seem to do can make it 'paint'
