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Re: SRAM on Poqet

Hi Anthony,

I was using Windows3.0 on the Poqet, but because of you, I am now a fan of
Windows2.03 because of it's super quick boot-up time.  I, however, work only
with Excel2.2 which is still an amazing program loaded with features.
Perhaps you might gain some speed by running Word for Windows v1 via
Windows2.03, or, Windows3.0 but use WFW as its shell (to increase memory.)
You can do this by editing one of the .ini files where "shell=" is
ound.  -Bill

----- Original Message -----
From: Anthony Iannone <aiannone@xxxxxxx>
Cc: Poqet PC mailing list <poqetpc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: SRAM on Poqet

> > > I purchased 5 of the 1.5mb SRAM's advertised here, flipped off one,
> > > and am using the other 4 with no problems - they work great, and
> > > seem to have fully charged batteries. Anyone else her using them? If
> > > you have problems formatting them, you need a PC utility to do so -
> > > I've already provided it to one listmember
> >
> > Is this a utility running on the Poqet-PC, or a utility running on a
> > (real) PC?  Or are we merely talking about 2MFORMAT.COM, the utility
> > needed to format SRAM > 1MB on the Classic?
> No, I am talking about the PCCARD formatter for Card and Socket Services
> under MS-DOS on a PC Laptop - I can find no other way to format the
> 1.5mb cards - format.com on the poqet fails, and 2MFORMAT formats the
> cards to 512k!
> > Hmm.  Wouldn't you be better of _not_ using Windows, running something
> > like WordPerfect for DOS?  While it is of course cool to run Windows
> > on the Poqet, I'm hardpressed to believe it is actually practical...
> Probably, but I like the ability to visualize fonts and underlining
> etc., which is helpful because I use my poqet mostly for notetaking and
> outline making.