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Re: Word Perfect subs


For what its worth, I can't remember encountering any trouble running WordStar 
4 on the Poqet. (Then again, several years -- which is how long it's been since 
I last used my Poqet -- is a prety long time for my memory to remember 
anything. <g>) While there is no substitute for one's favorate word processor, 
WS4 is an excellent, non-graphics word processor.

Trio (www.triousa.com) continues to sell *legal* (expensive) copies of 
WordStar 4 (DOS & CP/M versions), and other Micropro products. (Apparently, 
they were licensed to sell WordStar/etc. hundreds of years ago, and simply 
never stopped. <g>) When I bought my copy, they included a generic *book* on 
usig WordStar/etc. in lieu of the user's manual (which is unavailable). I've no 
idea what their current policies are.

Richard Kanarek

Quoting Daryl Hardes <lyradsedrah@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi
> In response to Jersy's question...
> ------------
> I'm looking for WordPerfect program for PoqetPc. I'm
> in need of it. Can anyone of you help me in acquiring
> it?
> Thanks in advance!
> Jerzy Ostapczuk.
> -----------
> I bought WP for Poqet for my collection, but find it
> way overkill.  QEdit can be configured to act like WP
> or other word processors, runs perfect on the Poqet,
> and only takes up 53K or so.  If more functions are
> needed, a close second to WP back then was New York
> Word, which runs fine on the Poqet except you have to
> turn word wrap back on once per session.  NY Word uses
> around 157K.  If all you need is a word-wrapping
> editor, SLED does it great in only 17K.  For me, the
> Poqet is mainly a fast notetaker and game machine, so
> any of those do all I need.  LIST file manager can be
> used to launch any of the processors.
> Unlike some other programs, all of those work well
> with power management on.
> Daryl
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