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Re: Looking for - Wordperfect

At 09:05 AM Friday 10/10/2003, Bill Moy wrote:
There is a ROM card that runs WordPerfect for the PoqetPC. I believe it's advantages are that it doesn't use RAM to run; -that it runs directly from ROM. I'm not 100% sure.

Most of the ROM cards for the Poqet PC do have programs that execute directly from ROM -- it was called "XIP" (eXecute In Place). I can't remember off the top of my head whether or not WordPerfect was XIP. I know the Lotus products were, but I'm about 60% sure that WordPerfect did not.

I'm not sure about the issues of copying ROM programs

You can't copy programs that XIP on the Poqet PC onto other media. The Poqet PC's hardware maps part of the ROM card into CPU-addressable memory, and you can't do that with a normal file. Some PC Card readers have special programs to do a byte-by-byte read of the card to a file, and then will do a byte-by-byte write of the file to another card. If you could find such a program, you could copy a 2 MB ROM card onto a 2 MB SRAM card, and the programs will XIP.

Yes, there is PoqetTools for PC, I have it somewhere. I will need to find it. Perhaps Sven wouldn't mind setting up these files on his site, I'm pretty sure it's not on Bryan Mason's site because of release issues. Does software become public domain if abandoned? Bryan, is this still a concern?

Ummmm, yeah, just a little. I tend to be anal about these sorts of things, and since I still work for Fujitsu, I'd like to continue to be anal. I've always had the feeling that I was walking a fine line running the Poqet PC Web site, so I'd rather play it safe for now.

-- Bryan