MOVIS News-Coverage

This page contains several news-clippings, many of them not in English. However, many more have appeared. If you see any article about MOVIS not listed here, please send us a copy! Also, please note that most of the information given in the clippings below is at best misleading, at worst plain wrong. In particular, you can not buy MOVIS! See the Frequently Asked Questions for more info.

o Neue Apotheker Illustrierte 10/94 (in German)
o Welt am Sonntag 2.2.97 (in German)
o Harburger Anzeigen und Nachrichten 13.2.97 (in German)
o Harburger Anzeigen und Nachrichten 3.7.97 (in German)
o Hindustan Times 6/98 ?
o Freiburger Wochenbericht 3.6.98 (in German)
o ??? 18.6.98 (in German)
o ABC 19.6.98 (in Spanish)
o Süddeutsche Zeitung 23.6.98 (in German)
o Berliner Zeitung 1.7.98 (in German)
o Stuttgarter Zeitung ??.12.98 (in German)

o SWF 3, Sonde 31.8.98 (in German)
o 3 Sat, HITEC 5.7.99 (in German)

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last modified: 21-Jun-2005
Sven Utcke