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Re: How do you transfer?


I'm happy to have built my own serial adapter for the p3k
it is now able to send (whatever) data to the serial port of my computer and
serial sniffer (shareware to log the com port) registrates it.
But Laplink does not function.
Do I have to have a special cable?

Mine is as follows:

View on the serial port of the pc3k:

    \  5 4 3 2 1 /
     \10 9 8 7 6/

Connected to my Serial Port-Adapter (each number to itself):

    \  1 2 3 4 5 /
     \  6 7 8 9 /

Perhaps this is a problem:

mode com1:2400,n,8,1,p

Status von Gerät COM1:
    Baudrate:   2400
    Parität:            None
    Datenbits:          8
    Stoppbits:          1
    Fehlerwartezeit:    OFF
    XON/XOFF:           OFF
    CTS-Handshaking:    ON
    DSR-Handshaking:    ON
    DSR-Prüfung:        OFF
    DTR-Signal:         HANDSHAKE
    RTS-Signal:         HANDSHAKE

What do i have to setup as parameter?

