Department Informatik

Surface Reconstruction



Computational Geometry Voronoi Diagrams, Delaunay Triangulations and Alpha Shapes P1 Edelsbrunner et al., 1994 Edelsbrunner et al., 1994 Fisher, 2000
Flow Shapes Giesen et al., 2003 Dey et al., 2003
r-Regular Shapes, Normalized Mesh P1 Attali, 1997
One Triangle at a Time Freedman et al., 2004
Lower Dimensional Localized Delaunay Triangulation Gopi et al., 2000
Ball Pivoting Bernardini et al., 1999
New Technique using Umbrella and Gabriel comlex U. Adami,J. Giesen, M. John 2000
Crust Amenta et al., 1998 Amenta et al., 1998
Power Crust Amenta et al., 2001 Amenta et al., 2001
Cocone and Tight Cocone Amenta et al., 2000 Dey et al., 2003
Homology of Submanifolds Niyogi et al., 2004
Lipschitz Surfaces Boissonnat, 2006 Chew, 1993
r-Stable Reconstruction Stelldinger, 2008
Surface Fitting Adaptive Meshes Terzopoulos et al., 1991
Balloon Fitting Chen et al., 1995
Surface Inferencing Guy et al., 1997, Tang et al., 1998
Moving Least Squares, Mesh Independent McLain, 1974 (Sections 1 and 2) Levin et al., 2003
Implicit Function Fitting Surfaces from Unorganized Points Hoppe et al., 1992
Radial Basis Functions Carr et al., 2001
Level Sets Zhao et al., 2001 Zhao et al., 2002
FFT-Based Reconstruction Kazhdan et al., 2005
Robust Reconstruction of Watertight 3D Models Aleksander Hornung a. Leif Kobbelt 2006

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